play in full screen for all options :3


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You play as a bored convenience store worker but realize that there's a suspicious church nearby, then a suspicious priest covered in blood walks in to buy cleaning supplies. I got the ending of him leaving his phone number with a smiley face on it:) I was not expecting to successfully wooing him but very satisfied lol! the minimalist supports the eerie/ quiet atmosphere very well.

I am a bored cashier who has an experience with a blood soaked priest during their night shift. There are a few different outcomes including one in which I flirt with the priest and get his phone number. I also experienced a different path where there was no priest but I fell asleep and woke to the store being trashed.

There weren't any significant technical issues. The formatting of the text was really odd, especially when playing full screen. Perhaps in trying to remove the overflow: hidden property you accidentally deleted the container? It looked better and was easier to read in the small window.

The visuals were very charming and did a good job of highlighting the story in fun ways. The one sound effect was very jarring, but it did make me wonder if there were other opportunities to use small sounds to highlight moments throughout the story.

The branching paths felt quite uneven, with the ones featuring interactions with the priest being most interesting, and the one where I fall asleep being the least memorable.

The most memorable moment for me was the option to flirt with the priest. Repeatedly. It was confusing tonally (is this game supposed to be funny, spooky, or ominous? A mix?) but was also the most satisfying ending I experienced by far.

You are a cashier working in a store near nothing only what seems to be an abandoned church. Only for a weird priest shows up. The ending I got was that the priest leaves and you wonder if you could have gotten to know him. Then going back on your phone. Everything seems to be fine. The images do give a better understanding of what is happening, only I feel it should have some more images and in one of the scene it talks about him having blood on him I didn't know he was covered in blood until I was told so I would add some color to the image like red to show blood. To think some of the options are to flirt with him. When doing small talk all was asked about was the weather.

I'm a cashier working at night when a priest covered in blood walks in. My first playthrough I got the ending where the priest just leaves and I go back to looking at my phone. I played some more and couldn't end up finding out exactly what had happened, but I enjoyed the vagueness of his answers too. There was one loud sound effect that I got jumpscared by, and considering that the rest of the game had no sound, it was jarring and I'm not sure if it was necessary unless you plan to have sound the whole game. I loved the art though, and it fit perfectly with the atmosphere of the game! It was funny how awkward asking about the weather was, because it really would be an awkward thing to ask in that situation.

You play as a cashier working at a store in the middle of nowhere, when a priest who is covered in blood comes in.  The ending I got was the one where he just leaves and I go back to looking at my phone. I didn't have any issues that stopped my playthrough, but I did really like the images.  I especially thought the image of the priest's face showed how creepy he was. I went back to try different endings, and got him to talk about what had happened a little bit, and I really liked the direction it was going in when he was saying he talked to God and ignored him, but he didn't elaborate further. I think it would be fun if it was a little longer!

I'm working as a cashier when a weird priest comes into the shop. I flirt with the guy and get his number.  The sound effects work well and the art gives the game a New Yorker magazine feel.  I think working in a limited color palette was a smart choice.

I play as a cashier when a creepy priest comes into the store who wants to buy cleaning products. He scares me but then he leaves the store and I go back to looking at my phone. I got the ending of the priest leaving the store. I thought the ending was a little unclear just due to the fact that I wanted to know more but it just ended.  I really liked the visuals and I think the pixel art was a good decision to make. It made it feel creepier. I really enjoyed it when the priest started walking up to me fast and I got scared.

I play as a cashier at a store who encounters a bloody priest. I played multiple times and I think I got all endings. I had no technical issues but I kinda wish that you expanded upon some of the branches. It's very short which isn't inherently a bad thing, I just wanted more information. I liked the visuals when they were there as they did establish a little more information but I wish there were more of them.

I played a cashier who met a strange priest. I reached the two endings of "getting his cell phone number" and "getting fired by my boss." The game process is very short, but the illustrations are very good, I like it very much!

Being woken up by the sound of smashing things after falling asleep really startled me.

I love this game! Although its plot is short, it does create a good atmosphere.

I'm working late when suddenly a mystery dude comes into the store and I try flirting with him and eventually get his number. The first time I played through I actually got fired because I let the store get broken into and trashed.

The visuals were nice and the consistency with only greyscale and pixel graphics made everything feel cohesive. Especially with having the text be light grey instead of pure white, it sells the "dark mysterious night and strange encounter" type feel. The game itself is just short and sweet.

I miss mr baldurs gate man (I don't remember who it was from last week's demo version but I remember baldurs gate).

I play as a bored convenience store worker when I am bothered by a priest late at night! The first ending I got fired lol, but then I got the ending where the priest drives away.

I didn't run into any issues while playing. I LOVED the visuals, they really helped enhance the vibe of the gameplay, and the text formatting was interesting too! The loud crashing sound scared me so bad though ;--; that's my bad lol

I really like the mystery around the game, it's fairly simple but it feels like there's something a lot deeper that I want to discover. also the flirting ending is so funny i love it

You work at a convenience store and some hot priest covered in blood comes in. There is nothing wrong here. All jokes aside I got a few of the endings but my favorite was the one where you flirt with him and get his number. Absolutely needed. I think the pictures and sounds fit the game really well! the small drawings are just detailed enough for what they need to be. My only wish is that there was more of them in the other endings where you fall asleep, those felt a little barren considering how much there is in the other route. Also i had a bit of a heart attack with the broken glass noise so good job . I would love to see you expand on this more in the future!

I think the setting of this story is quite interesting and i would like to know more about what happens to our priest

I'm working late and struggling to stay awake when this super attractive priest covered in blood comes in, so I flirt with him ... a lot and get his number <3. The images help with immersion as well as being able to see what the priest looked like helped solidify my decision to flirt with him. The most enjoyable moment was seeing the little smiley face he put next to his number.